Monday, May 13, 2013

New website and renovated Facebook page!

I've redesigned my website, it's fancy now! You will also see that I've opened a Redbubble store for t-shirts and stickers as well as a Society 6 for other goodies like phone skins, throw pillow covers and totes. I only have a few designs right now but I'll be consistently adding more.

I'm also using my Facebook Page much more than I have in the past. I merged what was originally a Life with Death comic update page to be an overall page for my work.


  1. Congrats on the new and improved website, Danielle! I like how the slide show tells people about your latest projects and where to find your products. The Facebook page looks great too. It's a great idea to promote it by giving a chance for fans of your work to win prizes and get discounts. By the way, are the products on the first page your best sellers?

    1. Thank you, Lloyd! I think so too :) The products on the first page, which I think are all of them right now as my shop is still small :P, are listed from newest to oldest. I thought that would be the best way so that people can easily see what is new! :D
